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The config to share target browsers and Node.js versions between different front-end tools. It is used in:
- Autoprefixer
- Babel
- postcss-preset-env
- eslint-plugin-compat
- stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features
- postcss-normalize
- obsolete-webpack-plugin
All tools will find target browsers automatically,
when you add the following to package.json
"browserslist": [
"defaults and supports es6-module",
"maintained node versions"
Or in .browserslistrc
# Browsers that we support
defaults and supports es6-module
maintained node versions
Developers set their version lists using queries like last 2 versions
to be free from updating versions manually.
Browserslist will use caniuse-lite
with Can I Use data for this queries.
You can check how config works at our playground: browsersl.ist

Read full docs on GitHub.