139 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import chalk = require('chalk');
import {DiffOptions as DiffOptions_2} from 'jest-diff';
export declare const BOLD_WEIGHT: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const diff: (
a: unknown,
b: unknown,
options?: DiffOptions,
) => string | null;
export declare type DiffOptions = DiffOptions_2;
export declare const DIM_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
* Ensures that `actual` is of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureActualIsNumber: (
actual: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
* Ensures that `expected` is of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureExpectedIsNumber: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const ensureNoExpected: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
* Ensures that `actual` & `expected` are of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureNumbers: (
actual: unknown,
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const EXPECTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const getLabelPrinter: (...strings: Array<string>) => PrintLabel;
export declare const highlightTrailingWhitespace: (text: string) => string;
export declare const INVERTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const matcherErrorMessage: (
hint: string,
generic: string,
specific?: string,
) => string;
export declare const matcherHint: (
matcherName: string,
received?: string,
expected?: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => string;
declare type MatcherHintColor = (arg: string) => string;
export declare type MatcherHintOptions = {
comment?: string;
expectedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
isDirectExpectCall?: boolean;
isNot?: boolean;
promise?: string;
receivedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
secondArgument?: string;
secondArgumentColor?: MatcherHintColor;
export declare const pluralize: (word: string, count: number) => string;
export declare const printDiffOrStringify: (
expected: unknown,
received: unknown,
expectedLabel: string,
receivedLabel: string,
expand: boolean,
) => string;
export declare const printExpected: (value: unknown) => string;
declare type PrintLabel = (string: string) => string;
export declare const printReceived: (object: unknown) => string;
export declare function printWithType<T>(
name: string,
value: T,
print: (value: T) => string,
): string;
export declare const RECEIVED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare function replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher(
replacedExpected: unknown,
replacedReceived: unknown,
expectedCycles: Array<unknown>,
receivedCycles: Array<unknown>,
): {
replacedExpected: unknown;
replacedReceived: unknown;
export declare const stringify: (
object: unknown,
maxDepth?: number,
maxWidth?: number,
) => string;
export declare const SUGGEST_TO_CONTAIN_EQUAL: string;
export {};