'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _constants = require('../constants'); /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ class Prompt { _entering; _value; _onChange; _onSuccess; _onCancel; _offset; _promptLength; _selection; constructor() { // Copied from `enter` to satisfy TS this._entering = true; this._value = ''; this._selection = null; this._offset = -1; this._promptLength = 0; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */ this._onChange = () => {}; this._onSuccess = () => {}; this._onCancel = () => {}; /* eslint-enable */ } _onResize = () => { this._onChange(); }; enter(onChange, onSuccess, onCancel) { this._entering = true; this._value = ''; this._onSuccess = onSuccess; this._onCancel = onCancel; this._selection = null; this._offset = -1; this._promptLength = 0; this._onChange = () => onChange(this._value, { max: 10, offset: this._offset }); this._onChange(); process.stdout.on('resize', this._onResize); } setPromptLength(length) { this._promptLength = length; } setPromptSelection(selected) { this._selection = selected; } put(key) { switch (key) { case _constants.KEYS.ENTER: this._entering = false; this._onSuccess(this._selection ?? this._value); this.abort(); break; case _constants.KEYS.ESCAPE: this._entering = false; this._onCancel(this._value); this.abort(); break; case _constants.KEYS.ARROW_DOWN: this._offset = Math.min(this._offset + 1, this._promptLength - 1); this._onChange(); break; case _constants.KEYS.ARROW_UP: this._offset = Math.max(this._offset - 1, -1); this._onChange(); break; case _constants.KEYS.ARROW_LEFT: case _constants.KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT: break; case _constants.KEYS.CONTROL_U: this._value = ''; this._offset = -1; this._selection = null; this._onChange(); break; default: this._value = key === _constants.KEYS.BACKSPACE ? this._value.slice(0, -1) : this._value + key; this._offset = -1; this._selection = null; this._onChange(); break; } } abort() { this._entering = false; this._value = ''; process.stdout.removeListener('resize', this._onResize); } isEntering() { return this._entering; } } exports.default = Prompt;