/* Blocks can be defined both on the store/blocks.json file, and in any number of json * files inside the store/blocks directory, with any arbitrary directory structure. * * Additionally, all blocks files can support comments, such as this one, if given the * .jsonc file extension. * * The store/blocks.json file is intended for backwards compatibility, for miscellaneous * blocks, or if the app is simple enough that it doesn't warrant splitting the file. */ { "store.orderplaced": { "blocks": ["order-placed"] }, "store.account": { "blocks": ["my-account"], "parent": { "challenge": "challenge.profile" } }, "store.login": { "blocks": ["login-content#default"] }, "login-content#default": { "props": { "isInitialScreenOptionOnly": false, "defaultOption": 1, "showPasswordVerificationIntoTooltip": true } }, "store.product-review-form": { "blocks": ["product-review-form"] }, "store.not-found#product": { "blocks": ["rich-text#not-found"] }, "store.not-found#search": { "blocks": ["rich-text#not-found"] }, "rich-text#not-found": { "props": { "textAlignment": "CENTER", "textPosition": "CENTER", "text": "**PAGE NOT FOUND**", "font": "t-heading-1" } } }