import { FunctionCov, ProcessCov, ScriptCov } from "./types"; /** * Merges a list of process coverages. * * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param processCovs Process coverages to merge. * @return Merged process coverage. */ export declare function mergeProcessCovs(processCovs: ReadonlyArray): ProcessCov; /** * Merges a list of matching script coverages. * * Scripts are matching if they have the same `url`. * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param scriptCovs Process coverages to merge. * @return Merged script coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty. */ export declare function mergeScriptCovs(scriptCovs: ReadonlyArray): ScriptCov | undefined; /** * Merges a list of matching function coverages. * * Functions are matching if their root ranges have the same span. * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param funcCovs Function coverages to merge. * @return Merged function coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty. */ export declare function mergeFunctionCovs(funcCovs: ReadonlyArray): FunctionCov | undefined;